Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tayar Meletop Opocot

Sedikit perkongsian daripada ceramah..

Manusia akan diuji dgn 4 jenis ujian

1. Ujian dalam mentaati Allah
2. Ujian untuk menjauhi maksiat
3. Ujian apabila dikurniakan nikmat
3. Ujian apabila ditimpa musibah

Last week for the 1st time in my life, tayar meletup ketika on the way ke Kuantan..

Allah nak test sama ada saya reti ke tidak tukar tayar sorg-sorg...
yes betol saya tak reti haha
terkial-kial seorg diri..but I managed to do it..(aldo it takes lots of time)

also Allah nak bagi warning..lain kali kalau travel jauh make sure
- to check condition tayar spare sebelom memulakan perjalanan jauh (which I didn't do)
- cek angin tayar (which I didn't do)
- cek condition tayar (which I didn't do)
- not to speeding while it's raining (which I do just before the incident haha)
- to prepare torch light kalau tiba-tiba tayar meletup di tengah jalan yg gelap gulita (which I didn't have)
- spare extra money from monthly salary untuk this kind of unexpected situation (lucky gaji masuk on the same day of incident..syukur)

p/s : Tayar aku ni macam tau-tau je buat hal time gaji aku masuk..T_T

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